Gravity | Circuit Monkeys Blog

Source Without gravity, we would fly off the spinning Earth and into space. Gravity is a force of attraction that acts between any two objects. The objects can be as large as galaxies or as small as subatomic particles. The strengths of the gravity between two objects depends on their masses an the distance between them. Objects with large masses exerts a strong force of gravity. Objects far apart attract each other weakly. Centre of gravity: Source Every object consist of tiny particles of matter. Each of these particles has a small force of gravity acting upon it. Together, the forces acts like a single force pulling downwards at just one point, called centre of gravity. An object will balance when it is supported in line with its centre of gravity. Balancing is easiest if the object has a low centre of gravity. Weight: Source The force of gravity acting on an object is called weight. Like all forces , weight is expressed in units call Newtons(N...